We had the 1972 Canada-Russia hockey series: The drama here was too much to take for some of us hockey fans, not to mention, Canadians. It was very important that Canada win that. Nothing on a dramatic television series could match this event.
Then there was Evil Knievel, who just died today. All the memories came back to those of us who remember the drama inherent in some of his exploits. One of these was Knievel's attempt to jump over Snake River Canyon, Idaho, back in September of 1974.
I was big into auto racing back then -- watched the Indianapolis 500 and the Daytona 500. In addition, I became almost obsessed with NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) drag racing. Being a modeller at an early age, it was natural for me to build a plastic model kit of "Big Daddy" Don Garlits' dragster (it actually had rubber wheels).
... also collected dragster bubble gum cards, in 1973. Still have them somewhere.
When I first heard that Knievel would be jumping over the canyon, I naturally assumed that he would use a conventional motorcycle with little solid rocket boosters strapped to the side. (Physics was never my strong suit.)
Imagine the disappointment when the famous daredevil launched his missile only to deploy his parachute at the peak of its trajectory (or whatever part of the curve it was). I think he went down a notch in my great admiration scale.
But he was great.