About two years ago a friend told me about a movie that some Ottawa-based filmmakers made about Jesus Christ and his shenanigans with vampires and non-believers. He went on to explain that it was quite good given its minuscule budget -- containing an overall, sly sense of humour. (My friend is from Ottawa, so there was an added interest on his part in the film when it was released.)
Every so often I would remind him of the film by saying "what was the name of that film again?", to which he would reply, "Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter". Last week he loaned me a copy of the film, recorded off the
Scream channel.
Last night I sat down with a plate of bread and tuna to watch
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.
That was one fun flick. I knew I would enjoy the film, given its pedigree, but not to the extent I did last night. The flashing Virgin Mary put me on the floor -- not easy to do considering I was sitting.
One thing that was outstanding, not the usual deal with something of this strata where you generally get a synthesizer dragged down the entire length of the picture, was the music scoring/tracking. There was a good sense of how to let music and moments play together. Dance scenes aside,
Jesus was a surprisingly musical film.
Director Lee Demarbre really knows how to make an entertaining movie.