Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Speaking of propaganda (see SOBERING QUOTE 2, below), here is an interesting piece by Globe and Mail columnist Jeffrey Simpson...

... he is right. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (*) is about as transparent as they come.

Yes propaganda is everywhere, including this column, but some is more dangerous that others. Ahhh, yes, if only I could be described as "dangerous"... to sanity perhaps.

Did you hear about those two Canadian Conservative MPs who recently made mean comments about women and the unemployed? There's that word again: Transparency.

* Fine, upstanding member of the Conservative Party of Canada.

(Caption for Stephen Harper/Cat photo above: "I'll bet you the cat's a lot smarter, and has a lot more class. In addition, the cat does not claim to be anything else than what it is... a cat.")

Post script: While doing a quick proof of the above I noticed that the cat looks pissed-off. Is it thinking "get your hands off me, creep"? Or is it just classier, showing its annoyance with us honestly, without a plastered-on phony smile?

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