Wednesday, November 24, 2010


... If you'll pardon the expression.

I gave my laptop the clean bill of health. It is so nice to have 'er back; and hopefully I can squeeze in more postings before November ends.

* Just learned that this winter -- here in Toronto -- is supposed to be snowy and cold... different than last winter.

* Last week I finally saw director Ruba Nadda's flick, Cairo Time. Very good. A movie that actually stayed with me a little, afterwards.

* Had a coffee today, at a mom-and-pop shop, that tasted fabulous. Must have been the whiskey.

* I'm learning Adobe Premiere. I can see why the entire BBC switched over to that software.

* First Spaceship on Venus is a cool movie; even when the print is not only non-'scope', but non-'colour'! (Several members of the audience laughed when an opening title card proclaimed "in Technicolor".)

* A good friend of mine has two beautiful black cats; the kind with a shot of white chest hair. I asked him how the two beasties got along. "Wonderfully", or something to that effect, was the answer. Well, a few days later that all changed with a good old fashioned feline fistfight... complete with crashing chandelier. Is that what people mean when they say cats are unpredictable?

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