Sunday, March 3, 2013


I've blogged about Raymond Cusick before; he was the real "Davros" of Doctor Who's infamous Daleks, and his realized design ended up scaring the bejeezus out of many kiddies. There is something about that look that automatically says 'alien' and 'dangerous'... and I musn't forget, 'bad attitude'.

Mr. Cusick died on February 21st, at the age of 84. It is no surprise that the British press is devoting some ink to the man.

What's a little upsetting to me is the fact that although the Cusick's classic design was replicated over and over again in the form of toys -- wind-up, electric, and static -- he was never given a cut of the profits. The total number of units sold would probably reach into the millions, if one were to tally the decades of cash transactions, but unfortunately, Mr. Cusick's original BBC contract had no provision for potential merchandising sales. Hard to imagine any designer today not having a 'share-the-loot' clause in their contract.

"You are an employee of the BBC, and, as such, you are paid a proper salary. No need to provision for something that will never happen, anyway."

Here in North America we use a classic saying: "Ripped-off!"

Obit in The Guardian...

The Telegraph...

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