Speaking of radio or television commercial word manipulations (as touched upon in my previous blog posting below), how many script/copy writers -- or whatever the hell they call themselves -- and voice-over artists say "wanna"? As in: I wanna cookie! "Ma, ma! I wanna cookie, ma!"
"Do you wanna save money on your car insurance?" Sure I do, buddy. As soon as you speak proper English, I might consider calling your company.
What's the real word again? Oh... "want to". Hey, that's two words. "Wanna" is what Archie Bunker might have called a "constraction".
Saturday, January 31, 2009

The word is "February" (feb-rew-air-ee)...
Friday, January 30, 2009

I have had a theory as to why ice hockey has slipped in popularity in the U.S. No matter what the 'league' of play, the sport has become faster and faster over time. This might be the real reason. That speed! Hockey players are in such great shape. The skill level is so high.
The game tonight...
Someone just told me that I bear a striking resemblance to the villainous Col. Green. Considering we dress the same, I never noticed that fact before. (I now sport a goatee.)
My surfing report: I just came back from a brief visit to http://www.sympatico.msn.ca/ and saw a headline mixed in with some others: "Did Angie have an affair?"
I don't know! Did she?! Does Brad know?! Does he read 'sympatico.msn.ca' ?!
I don't know! Did she?! Does Brad know?! Does he read 'sympatico.msn.ca' ?!
I should have remembered. It is an anniversary of sorts; a year ago I saw my first Superbowl game. While my friend was a lovely host, the game itself was anti-climactic: Although, "anti-climactic to what?" might be the question. Time for me to read a book.
Thursday, January 29, 2009

We in Canada have some extra time.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Yes, I know I sound like a broken record with the issue of fighting in the National Hockey League; so on that note I thought I would pass this on to you...
There are a few points brought up about how to improve the game: The one I am a big/huge/massive fan of is the push to make the ice surface bigger. As I have joked about before, the current 200 by 85 foot dimension is too small and has been since about 1970!
I'm sure some fans would lose interest -- a little bit -- if fighting were to be outlawed, but I do, no surprise, agree with those who believe that, overall, this small rule change would make "the world's most exciting team sport" more marketable in the States.
There are a few points brought up about how to improve the game: The one I am a big/huge/massive fan of is the push to make the ice surface bigger. As I have joked about before, the current 200 by 85 foot dimension is too small and has been since about 1970!
I'm sure some fans would lose interest -- a little bit -- if fighting were to be outlawed, but I do, no surprise, agree with those who believe that, overall, this small rule change would make "the world's most exciting team sport" more marketable in the States.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
CHARLES H. SCHNEER (1920 - 2009)

Charles Schneer was a showman although not one in the public eye, like Irwin Allen was in the '60s and '70s, but through osmosis, he was one for many.
Pictures like 7th Voyage and Mysterious Island are outstanding but Jason and the Argonauts is my favourite.
Internet Movie Database entry for Charles H. Schneer...
Monday, January 26, 2009

Toronto's mayor, David Miller, has been in Los Angeles (home of the big U.S. film studios) trying to drum up business by reminding them that the Canadian dollar is back down low. I'm sure that the Americans don't really care anymore -- there are too many other options, towns that encourage production within the U.S. border, and running away to the country next door at this economically stressful time is tantamount to treason. (Perhaps "treason" is too much, but the idea is not off, I don't think.) There are a few new production hot-spots in the States attracting producers. For example, Austin, Texas, has done a fine job at converting an airport and its aircraft hangers into a studio complex.
Mr. Miller, please come home. The Toronto film industry (there never was one) is dead. It would not come back alive even if you put a hundred million volts through it!
Toronto Star story...
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do the English no something we Canadians do knot?
Don't worry, Sofie, I'll save you from the evil English language!
Humour aside, this link will help answer the big question...
The host of this fine, fine documentary (The Montreal Canadiens: 100 Years, 100 Stars) was none other than George Sroumboulopoulos. This was a big mistake. The Corp uses this guy for far too many programs or events. Living here in Canada -- or watching from the U.S. border -- makes you think that we have a population of 1,000 people. Its kind of like growing up in a small town and the same guy hosts all local events: The beauty pageant, the Fair, and everything in between.
The CBC has to do some serious casting for more hosts. George is not a smart or quick enough guy to be interviewing name-the-person on the weekday program The Hour, and he is not charming.
The biggest reason George should not have been chosen to host The Montreal Canadiens, is because he can't skate. It was bloody embarrassing!
Saturday, January 24, 2009

What is a little remarkable about the above order of popularity is the fact that Happy Days had premiered in early 1974. I remember... I was there watching it.
(The pic at the top is from a period of Happy Days that I was definitely not watching.)
Ontario Premiere Dalton McGuinty has set the wheels in motion to end the months long strike at Toronto's York University. What took so long? I'm all for mediation, after all, in our society there should be time for two disagreeing parties to work through an employment issue (no Ronald Reagan-style implementations needed in this case), but there should be a time limit imposed. This is serious business. These thousands of students have been held hostage and they are a chunk of Canada's future. What a waste.
Toronto Star story...
Toronto Star story...
Friday, January 23, 2009

The busy actor appeared almost exclusively in television but did land a substantial part in 1983's landmark flick The Big Chill.
Internet Movie Database entry...
Yesterday I wrote/joked about not being able to read this year's Oscar nominations due to the dinner bell calling my name. Well, I still haven't but I did come across a headline a few minutes ago which was hard to avoid -- something about The Dark Knight getting passed over for "Best Picture" and "Best Director".
Even I am surprised; and that is saying something. I have an honest question: Does that mean The Dark Knight has no chance of winning the Academy Reward in those categories?
Just askin'.
Even I am surprised; and that is saying something. I have an honest question: Does that mean The Dark Knight has no chance of winning the Academy Reward in those categories?
Just askin'.

I was just on the National Post website. This caught my eye...
I did not know that atheists were "hilarious"; quite the opposite, really. I admire anyone who thiiiinks for themself.
Imagine that!
Columnist Barbara Kay is a typical angry, right-wing, name calling... now I'm doing it.
I did not know that atheists were "hilarious"; quite the opposite, really. I admire anyone who thiiiinks for themself.
Imagine that!
Columnist Barbara Kay is a typical angry, right-wing, name calling... now I'm doing it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The news is posted everywhere I go (news websites). The Oscar nominations were announced this morning! Can't wait to go through the list! Oops, can't do it now. My Kraft Dinner is burning on the stove...
Did I just hear a bookcase fall over somewhere? I heard that some of them even have books on them.
Did I just hear a bookcase fall over somewhere? I heard that some of them even have books on them.

I do not know what made me grab this album out of the bin; maybe it was something Divine or the fact I was well aware of Naxos and their high quality (and affordable) recordings. An all round pleasant listening experience it was; instantly becoming a disc way up on my list.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Internet Movie Database
Movie and TV News
Wednesday 21st January 2009
1. Sex And The City Stars Agree To Sequel Deals.
2. Zellweger Dating U.S. TV Star?
3. ER To Be Saved?
4. Barry Smight Admitted To Betty Ford.
Movie and TV News
Wednesday 21st January 2009
1. Sex And The City Stars Agree To Sequel Deals.
2. Zellweger Dating U.S. TV Star?
3. ER To Be Saved?
4. Barry Smight Admitted To Betty Ford.

The CBC screened Cinema Paradiso last week; nailed it right away simply because I love this movie (even with Ennio Morricone's grating score). However, there are some movies that I can never peg.
"Sweetie, I'll get back to you as soon as I figure out what this blasted movie is... "
Invite friends over late one night, pull out the beer and weed, and play "guess the movie".
Just as I uploaded the posting below (BRITNEY'S BOOK), Johanna Wagstaffe -- a meteorologist for CBC news -- appeared on my TV to give her report. Is she not one beautiful lady?
You know the song: You're on a website and just before you click away to visit another, the page you are on reloads with a small line of text that makes you go, "stop, stop, stop... go back!" Too late. Go back and you get everything else but the intoxicating mix of letters that made your heart palpitate as you kept slamming on the stop button. I was on 'sympatico.ca' when this very thing happened. The text? "Britney Spears offered millions to write a book." At least I think it was exactly what it said; cannot be sure as I was electronically dragged away.
Alright, I'll come clean. I was exaggerating about implementing desperate measures to stay on the important news. But, it sure did bring a smile to my face when I thought, "what would be a good name for the book?"
In all seriousness, isn't Britney Spears a little young to write a...? Hold on, I was just assuming it was an autobiography, a "memoirs" (like Richard Nixon's). It could be a children's book. Could be. I do not know for sure; might have to go back one more time.
Alright, I'll come clean. I was exaggerating about implementing desperate measures to stay on the important news. But, it sure did bring a smile to my face when I thought, "what would be a good name for the book?"
In all seriousness, isn't Britney Spears a little young to write a...? Hold on, I was just assuming it was an autobiography, a "memoirs" (like Richard Nixon's). It could be a children's book. Could be. I do not know for sure; might have to go back one more time.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Years later, how many I cannot be sure, I bought Kraftwerk's 1977 album The Man Machine. How do you say in English? "Buckin' A." Of course, there is the fairly well known song "Metropolis", but I discovered two little gems; they being "The Model" (a big hit in England), and what is probably my favourite, "Neon Lights"... the tune that is so dreamy and surreal and a total pleasure to listen to when you are in that 'bagged' zone. As a note, I would be terrified of taking a hit of acid and popping on "Neon Lights". I would be afraid of what would happen. What could happen? Maybe on my lunch break at work, some day, I will try this daring mix of chemicals and audio. I'll let you know.
By the way, "Kraftwerk" translates into English as "Power Station". Kraftwerk, the group, is a musical dynamo; influencing so many others. Listen to their stuff and their fall-out is so apparent.

Speaking as a Canadian, and a very patriotic one at that, I do admire what America represents (at least what the people think it represents -- times are changing). As many of my fellow countrymen and women say, whether it's envy sprinkled with seriousness, or in pleasant admiration, "why can't we do that?"
Only in America. Good for them -- and the world. They are still a great power and only a fool would deny that the man in office has the ability to push that first domino... as we have been reminded for all the wrong reasons, these last eight years.
Monday, January 19, 2009

Washington Post obit...
Sunday, January 18, 2009

I remember when Entertainment Tonight premiered way back in September of 1981. For this movie fan such a concept appeared to fall from the sky: A show dedicated to movies, television, and music every week night and done in the style of a regular or traditional newscast. Two people (Ron Hendren being one of them) sitting at a news desk delivering the stories in a straightforward manner. Of course, this is a format long gone. Years ago I watched an installment and was taken aback at the amount of needless junk in the half hour... lots of junk. Oh well, I thought, it lasted for a while; how long, I was not sure.
For some reason a few years ago I watched three consecutive shows (Tuesday to Thursday?) of ET while I was working at the desk or drafting table on a project. By the third day I stopped what I was doing, looked to the television and said, "what the hell does Monica Lewinsky (and Bill Clinton) have to do with Entertainment Tonight?!" (In case you haven't figured it out, this was during those heady days of Monica and Mr. President. Those "stories" were actually the top of all three ET newscasts! That was probably what alerted me to the incongruity.)
We sure do live in interesting times.
(The picture I found and affixed above from Entertainment Tonight just about sums up the intelligence level of the show today.)
Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is in the lexicon for some of us is the saying (for lack of a better term) "Ovaltine Captain Midnight Decoder Ring". Ovaltine took the show over from the Skelly Oil Company during the 'radio days', eventually taking the concept to television in 1954. This is the version that most of us remember.
As per usual Wikipedia has links to various websites. This one is a lot of fun...

I came up with a little blurb on how to sum up that record: That is one powerhouse album! (Those Rogers and Hammerstein guys are pretty talented dudes.)
Friday, January 16, 2009
After making it back alive to my house -- from the bitter cold -- I put on the TV for a local newscast (there are power outages here in Toronto), and had a commercial spit in my face. It was wet, it reeked, and it took some time to clean up: An advert for Happy Days the Musical.
You have to be effing kidding me.
Back to my piece on Patrick McGoohan.
You have to be effing kidding me.
Back to my piece on Patrick McGoohan.
Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. Fired up the computer, went onto the IMDB, read this with a certain amount of... 'what the fuck?'... (glee).
"Sheridan Denies Dating Spade."
Then I went back to working on my Patrick McGoohan blurb.
"Sheridan Denies Dating Spade."
Then I went back to working on my Patrick McGoohan blurb.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

As some know, Khan made a return in the Trekkie feature The Wrath of Khan fifteen years later (that's all?), playing the part a little more in the comic book spectrum -- so too did the film itself -- as opposed to the very dark installment of the old show. But, in 1982, Khan was back and we got to see the man give James T. Kirk a run for his money; at least making the famed captain earn his Starfleet pay.
I am less familiar with Montalban as Mr. Roarke from Fantasy Island, but his run in that long running program is how many in the general public would remember him.
So, I thought I would take a trip to the Internet Movie Database (imdb.com), a few minutes ago, to check up on entertainment news. My eyes caught "Patrick McGoohan dead at 80".
"Oh no", I said to myself.
Right above that headline?... "Actor Ricardo Montalban dies at 88".
It is not a good day in the neighbourhood.
Last night I decided, somewhat impulsively, that I must have the 1967 series The Prisoner on DVD. I have not seen it in two or three years and need my fix. Of course Patrick McGoohan was the creator and star of that superlative (and limited!) series. It used to freak me out when I was a little one.
I must collect my thoughts...


I'm still trying to think of one. I remember the first time I heard Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band... I did like it very much (years after it was first released). There were bits and pieces, but no albums. No (original) album would or could have 'changed my life'. May I say that would be one tall order!
I just remembered the time a friend played his Frank Zappa album "Sheik Yerbouti" for me; the one with the song about chutes...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
As I like to tell my public from time to time, I much prefer 'techs' to actors; besides, have you ever had (tried!) to work with "thespians"? I'll stop there.
I came across this terrific interview with the late composer Derek Wadsworth...
I had read before that he was very generous with his fans, taking the time to answer any questions they may have had. His was British... that might have something to do with it.
I came across this terrific interview with the late composer Derek Wadsworth...
I had read before that he was very generous with his fans, taking the time to answer any questions they may have had. His was British... that might have something to do with it.
DEREK WADSWORTH (1939 - 2008)

Just after Christmas I heard the news that this very talented man had passed away...
Blog themes come in waves. I just read that key Doctor Who Dalek operator John Scott Martin has died. To those who are not aware, or plain just don't care about behind-the-scenes people from movies or TV, Martin was with the series for decades, playing the famed interstellar bad boys -- from inside the props -- and many different latex and fabric concoctions; sending many a young boy and girl behind the sofa.
Monday, January 12, 2009

New Who has been going for a little while and I admit I watch the show very intermittently more through duty than anything else. For me, viewing this program is often brutal, painful -- my butt actually hurts through some sort of sympathetic pain with my brain -- and about as exciting as going to a Toronto Raptors game. Okay, it's not that bad an experience.
The CBC insists on presenting Doctor Who in the most confusing and irregular schedule you can imagine. There is no rhyme or reason as to how they slot it in. The Corp used to be investors in the show but don't seem to have the nerve to drop it from their lineup. It's not as though they are trying to build an audience or anything. After all, their excellent website has absolutely the latest information for the surfer to check the latest news... not! The site is great, but Who is a neglected orphan. During the summer I went onto cbc.ca to see when they were planning on premiering the new season. Well, the idea was sweet, at least. No info, period!
Where is the Doctor Who Christmas Special, 2008 version? I had just assumed it was going to be on that network. Nothing.
Who is in control at the CBC? Who?! It's like no one is really at the helm of the ship. And if there is, he or she doesn't know that "it's tiller steering".
A wolf has entered the blog fold, and it wears sheep's clothing. Too heavy, I know. An ol' pal of mine has decided to set himself up with a regular blog, one which promises to be not only entertaining in its wit but also in opinion. He has that commendable 'to each his own' take on all things subjective but is not afraid to invoke discussion.
There is already a nice variety of bits...
There is already a nice variety of bits...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I was watching the CBC news the other night and the final story was about Herr Katze deciding he wanted in on some TV studio action.
Of course, this item is now on Youtube; the unofficial cat video data-bank...
Of course, this item is now on Youtube; the unofficial cat video data-bank...

I agree with just about everything Travis says. It is not rocket science, afterall.
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Don Cherry does his "Coach's Corner" thing between the first and second periods on the CBC's Hockey Night in Canada broadcasts. The issue of fighting in ice hockey came up with side-kick Ron MacLean pointing out that many people feel that when players duke it out on the ice they should be automatically ejected from the game. My short and long answer to that is "yes". Cherry, of course, tried to explain his way around the argument -- which for him is a "no" answer to the proposal -- and capped off by stating that fighting will always be a part of the game. Hey, I do not argue with that. But fighting players should be told to leave the game after they settle down. "Get out of here, now!" That easy. But hard for some, Cherry included, to understand. A very simple concept it is and one even the average hockey player can grasp.
There was a match up between the loser Leafs and the Montreal Canadiens a few nights ago. I did not see the show but I heard the next day -- including from a non fan friend of mine -- that the Leafs were always trying to start, and did, a scrap. To make things worse, the Toronto coach said something about being proud that his boys are being more physical. My answer to that? Fine the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey club a few tens of thousands of dollars and administer this prize with a public statement that a conscious attempt to mar the NHL with fisticuffs will not be tolerated.
You see, the above is direct, succinct, and easy to understand; even for the average Leafs coach.

Cheryl Holdridge died at the age of 64. Like most my age, I remember her more for her intermittent role in Leave it to Beaver. Now there is a show for the ages.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Former studio executive Ned Tanen died on Monday (January 5th). He was staff at two big studios, Paramount and Universal. My favourite Tanen story is recounted in Dale Pollock's outstanding, albeit, unauthorized, 1983 biography on filmmaker George Lucas: Way back in 1973 Universal test screened American Graffiti to a youthful -- therefor target -- audience in Westwood (if memory serves me), California to see if what Lucas was taking forever to edit would make any waves in the marketplace. This day turned out to be a legendary event in the legend of test screenings. The audience went wild for American Graffiti, so much so that Lucas would gage any film premiere of his own movies against how high the bar was set by this one. However, there was one dude in the audience who not only went against the prevailing opinion of the few hundred souls, but outright hated it. Hated it. (Double dangling.) Dude Tanen: Important executive who was supposed to be won over but was not; just the lesser audience members were. But they did not count. At the end of the screening was Tanen screaming his displeasure. Several other important movie people were there, including Francis Ford Coppola, and they were stunned by the young exec's hate-on for Graffiti.
Tanen admitted years later that he had always been a manic depressive sort. More movie executives could use this cynical view... but American Graffiti went on to clean up in its eventual release, earning back many, many times its cost. Called "profitability" in the movie business.
Tanen admitted years later that he had always been a manic depressive sort. More movie executives could use this cynical view... but American Graffiti went on to clean up in its eventual release, earning back many, many times its cost. Called "profitability" in the movie business.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
When I first saw the news on-line that Jett Travolta had died, it was one of those cases where my eyes see the item but my brain does not. Later it sunk in when I actually read the news. It goes without saying that losing a child is something you would not wish on your enemies, and John Travolta strikes me as one of those level headed super-nice guys who happens to work in the movies. Besides, he has been with his love (Kelly Preston) for years... throughout actual "Eras" or "Kingdoms", in Hollywood terms.
Monday, January 5, 2009
I did my round of the British tabloids on-line and came across this breaking news from two days ago...
So he's the new Doctor Who; the title character. The excitement is too much for some to handle. As a joke the BBC should fabricate a fictitious actor and release 'him' to the media. That would be pretty funny: The geeks could post comments on their favourite message boards (the ones they spend their entire days on) to the effect, "Best Doctor Who... ever!"
So he's the new Doctor Who; the title character. The excitement is too much for some to handle. As a joke the BBC should fabricate a fictitious actor and release 'him' to the media. That would be pretty funny: The geeks could post comments on their favourite message boards (the ones they spend their entire days on) to the effect, "Best Doctor Who... ever!"
Sunday, January 4, 2009

My only question is why does the CBC have such a narrow view of how to promote a show? The ads I have seen on the mother network for Being Erica seem to be identical to ones placed a year ago when they were pushing Sophie: That is a shot of the lead actress goofing off before the camera. Is the CBC so cursed with a paucity of ideas that they see no other avenue?
Toronto entertainment writer Bruce Kirkland of the Toronto Sun wrote an interesting, although not news breaking, piece about the state of affairs with the 'hi-def' format, Blu-ray...
Blu-ray is too expensive on a hardware and software level. As Kirkland correctly points out, most people are content with their regular DVDs (which can be "upconverted" on a capable machine).
Blu-ray is too expensive on a hardware and software level. As Kirkland correctly points out, most people are content with their regular DVDs (which can be "upconverted" on a capable machine).
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