Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Way, way back in late 1976 or early 1977, when I was in high school, all those many, many years ago, a friend of mine by the name of Chris (and one two years my senior) was into a lot of cool music. One group he introduced me to was Kraftwerk (from Germany). One album I remember him giving a turn at 33.3 -- for my edification and education -- was their 1975 release, Radio-Activity. I remember liking it even though it was a little off the beaten path, sonically speaking, for this young man.

Years later, how many I cannot be sure, I bought Kraftwerk's 1977 album The Man Machine. How do you say in English? "Buckin' A." Of course, there is the fairly well known song "Metropolis", but I discovered two little gems; they being "The Model" (a big hit in England), and what is probably my favourite, "Neon Lights"... the tune that is so dreamy and surreal and a total pleasure to listen to when you are in that 'bagged' zone. As a note, I would be terrified of taking a hit of acid and popping on "Neon Lights". I would be afraid of what would happen. What could happen? Maybe on my lunch break at work, some day, I will try this daring mix of chemicals and audio. I'll let you know.

By the way, "Kraftwerk" translates into English as "Power Station". Kraftwerk, the group, is a musical dynamo; influencing so many others. Listen to their stuff and their fall-out is so apparent.

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