Saturday, December 4, 2010


Revealing or telling a story does not change, outside of 'streaming' speed. Hope the storytelling is fast enough for you; revealed quickly so that crashing down from your sugar and salt fix doesn't become an issue.

Writer Geoff Pevere covers the issue of how we watch our movies...

Welcome back, Mr. Pevere.


Jon said...

So, the only movies that will do well are ones that can be watched with 60% of your attention. Great.

That does explain a few things...

DonaldAR said...

Great article, Si!
Theorize all you want: we're raising a generation of self-centered, illiterate, inconsiderate, boors. A certain new Mayor is a prime example. I mean, what the heck? Sit down, shut up, and turn off your damned gadgets - otherwise, GTFO of the theatre! Go watch your pirated schlock in the privacy of your own cave. You are NOT that important.