Saturday, December 31, 2011


Hi folks... dear regular readers and drop-ins.  It's been a slow last couple of months for me posting here simply because I've been distracted -- and not always by the right things.  Even though I used to make fun of Twitter (see earlier postings), a friend talked me into setting up an account with the Byte-sized-Bites.  See here:

Tweets are good since it takes little investment in time... and brain cells, perhaps.

Happy New Year to all.  May we reduce the rate of global conflict; feed more people; reduce crime (and deal with its root causes); post more general silliness online....


"... the prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other."


Greg Woods said...

...and hopefully get rid of those rotten infomercials.

Barry Smight said...

I agree! They take up precious airtime and space.