Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have no use for "torture porn", even if I do claim that I will watch just about anything. Films of this strata are just mean spirited. Flagrant in their attempt at horror.

Imagine my reaction when early this morning I visited the Internet Movie Database ( and saw some blurb on the main page about a movie entitled, The Human Centipede (First Sequence). Click...

Even though I knew better, I thought that perhaps the movie was a joke. After all, read the description and you might be tempted to whisper, "you gotta be f*****g kidding me".

Dutch director Tom Six is the mastermind behind this one. Maybe he's 'beeping' with our minds. Apparently, the film's story sprouted into being after an off-handed joke. Was the joke taken too far? My more thoughtful reply might be that this is the kind of thing that TV's Southpark boys have been doing for quite a while, but as they wrap the material in the unmistakable cloak of over-the-top comedy, they get away with the joke. A lot of people complain but there are those who shout, "brilliant!"

Besides, I find the little-bugger centipedes a lot more objectionable than some movie.

The Villiage Voice's film reviewer Karina Longworth on The Human Centipede (First Sequence)...

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