Sunday, March 31, 2013


More interesting 'cable access' on Youtube: "Star Trek Winnipeg: Episode 1."  By the way, here in Canada we call Cable Access, "Community Television".

"Star Trek Winnipeg" was just that; fans based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The vid is from 1980, and since Star Trek: The Motion Picture was just months old at that point, there are references to the film including the host's uniform and Jerry Goldsmith's superb theme music (which was later matched inaptly to the mediocre series Star Trek: The Next Generation).

Ah, yes, to be a genuine "Trekkie"; check out the video (part one of three) and you will get a diploma program...

It would be interesting to find out what happened to these Trek people: Dean Naday and Hans Goldfuss. What course in life did they end up taking?....


Greg Woods said...

Gotta love those jiggly title cards. Ah, the days of actually filming stills live in the studio...

Barry Smight said...

Hopefully nobody's jiggling them during the shot.

Yep, I made a few cards myself back in my 'community cable' days. Good times. Great training ground, in hindsight.