Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I am pretty cynical about the state of movie posters, or "showbills", or "one-sheets", today. But, I was alerted to the one for -- you guessed it -- J.J. Abrams new Star Trek movie.

That man "gets it". I admit that this poster is superb! Even though it doesn't mean it will appear in the actual film's credits, that typeface is one of the most iconic elements from the original show. And putting it on the poster is brilliant. A teaser.

A smart producer in Hollywood?



Jon said...

"The Future Begins"? Isn't that just another way of saying "This is the First Day of the Rest of Your Trek"?

Greg Woods said...

If they run out of more ways to milk this franchise, why not do a movie on Harry Mudd or Cyrano Jones?