Friday, July 3, 2009


One beef I have with a lot of film criticism is that too many critics, as an integral part of their "review", just recount the given movies' plot. That is not criticism. Cripes, even I can do that!

Peter Howell reviewed the new science fiction movie Moon in today's Toronto Star. Someone commented -- underneath the review posted to the Star's website -- on this unfortunate and all too common ingredient.

1 comment:

enjonze said...

Have to agree. Criticism, good criticism, should not skate the surface and simply recount the plot. Of course, there are films where the plot is so hackneyed (i.e. most horror films) that retelling it spoils nothing. But for the most part, critics should talk about how the film works, feels, and communicates (or fails to, as the case may be).

And, hey, you can't blame critics. How many trailers have you seen that left you feeling, "Well, I know how that one ends."?

Besides, there will always be the obssesives online who post the script of a film before the film is realeased... if one wants the plot information, it's out there. It's very difficult for a film to come out of left field these days, as the studios are so bent out shape when it comes to "opening weekend" that a slow-build sleeper hit is nearly impossible.