Friday, March 7, 2008


A friend of mine asked me in an e-mail, "When's the last time Star Wars was fun?". He gave me an answer -- "Right now!" -- and this link...

Su-perb! Bang on! And "fun".

1 comment:

enjonze said...

Especially good is the stylized Millenium Falcon zipping by. Brilliant.

Interesting that, not a week after sending this to Barry, I bought the Justice League: The New Frontier DVD movie, designed by comic artist/designer extraordinaire. The title sequences on this film are also very heavily influenced by the work of Saul Bass and show all of DC's greatest heroes. It's a great looking animation, based on Darwyn's fantastic comic DC: The New Frontier.

Guess you could say I've been hit by a "double Bass". Sorry, couldn't resist.