Saturday, May 21, 2011


The end of the world was today? Awesome!

Hold on a minute... why am I able to write this? You'd think the communications grid would have gone down if there was a 'Judgement Day'. We'd probably get billed for it anyway.

Another lunatic spoke today (besides me).

I remember back in the Spring of 1976 when the same thing was predicted. After school I hung around with a friend for the countdown; we put out our plastic 'army men', not to play with but to use as a first alert. We figured if they started melting then we would not have to worry about doing our homework anymore. I walked home late that night, disappointed.

From here on in -- to the real end of the world -- let's ignore these clownish biblical scholars and just go about our business of heavy drinking and cavorting. A life of sin. Frak, yah!

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