Saturday, July 14, 2007


I just came off a long shoot day... it was all part of a '48-hour film challenge'. Got together with my producer buddies last night after they picked up the package. I looked over the DV camera (oh, I was asked to shoot the short film), helped with some of the script (a little) then went home to get ready for today's shoot.

Filmmaking is one of those things, or rather, professions, which involves long days where at the end of them you realize that you did a 10 to 12 hour session. Imagine flipping burgers for that long in one day. Imagine waiting tables for that long -- hold on, I know people who do. Full time filmmakers must find that life just passes them by. (The good news is, most film people -- or artists for that matter -- are only hot for a few years at best. Okay, those few years go pretty fast... and all those early mornings.) You really do get into the proceedings. Part of the reason must be that one is in a manic state, trying to shoot as many scenes and 'pages' as possible in what amounts to never enough time. Somehow it all gets done.

The actors on our show today were all quite good -- and good natured. This makes it all worth while.

The editing team is gluing it all together tomorrow for a 8 p.m. delivery. There were some technical glitches but hopefully these can all be fixed up as much as possible. The good news is the main 'cutter' is a pro... lots of television cutting experience.

That was a long day but hopefully one of many more. We had a good bunch today.

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