Monday, August 23, 2010


In regards to my previous posting (THE UGLY BUG BALL C/O UK) I see no concern for physical ugliness. It is just a superficial issue. Ugliness comes in all forms. Evil and sick people aplenty. Even in Coventry, England. To me, abusing a cat, or any animal, is punishable by...

There used to be a saying in the U.K., used by parents to threaten their kids in times of insubordination: "If you don't behave, you'll be sent to Coventry!" * (It might still be used, I don't know. )

Well, it seems some troubled kids were ultimately sent to Coventry... and now they are troubled adults...

* During WW2 (on the 14th of November, 1940) the Luftwaffe bombed Coventry with great accuracy and concentration, causing large-scale destruction. Hence the expression denoted above.

I do not know what animal cruelty laws are like in Britain, but I hope they are progressive; and involve a hand phaser.

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