Sunday, April 13, 2008


Just when I thought that Toronto Star critic, and star critic, Geoff Pevere fit the usual dry film critic bill, he surprised me with this during last night's interview installment of TVO's Saturday Night at the Movies: Pevere is talking of 1955's MGM feature film, Bad Day at Black Rock, when he postulates, "can you imagine a worse place to step off a train than somewhere where Ernest Borgnine, Lee Marvin, and Robert Ryan are just hanging around? I mean, that's gotta be the worst town in the world to find oneself in".

1 comment:

Greg Woods said...

Ahem! Well, I must take exception here to your usually learned pieces of proses, Monsieur Smight.

Geoff Pevere is the ONLY film writer in Toronto I would actively seek out... well, other than those who write for ESR of course. I didn't see the piece, and therefore could offer even less about in what context it was made/used, but I've always remembered his astute observations for when he filled in the shoes of Jay Scott on Film International, and his pieces for the Globe.