I saw "In Defence of Food: An Eater's Manifesto" author Michael Pollan on CBC's The Hour tonight. While he was being chatted up by that most useless host (George somebody) I flipped over to TVO's The Agenda... and there was Michael Pollan being interviewed by an outstanding host (Steve Paikin). This time the writer was on the show's studio view-screen in a satellite feed from Berkeley, California, U.S.A.I have not investigated as of yet -- my first guess is one show is live and the other a repeat -- but this makes the question fun: Has Michael Pollan been reproduced (cross-pollanated) via genetic engineering? One is the real thing and the other a pod person?
You perfidious pack of peccadillos! Strombo rocks! You're just jealous he beat you out for the gig at CBC. I told you not to make that sex tape with Hilary.
My dear boy...
In fact, "Perniciousness Through Pertinaciousness" is my slogan! At least it is when it comes to Strombo.
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