Thursday, September 19, 2013


I'm not a parent, and I've never wanted to be one; but to read National Post columnist Christie Blatchford's piece on little Jeffrey Baldwin's death (sorry, "murder") almost eleven years ago is heartbreaking for me. Here's the part that most upset me, or got me on my upset way...

"The five-year-old died Nov. 30, 2002, of a lethal combination of pneumonia and septic shock, the underlying cause profound and protracted starvation."

Six adults lived in the house where the boy withered away and died, and they either were directly involved in the assault, or they did nothing. Jeffrey's maternal grandparents Elva Bottineau and Norman Kidman were eventually convicted of second degree murder.

There is a troubling lack of remorse but ample egregious behaviour from the perpetrators, all 'round.

As Grandma Smight used to say on occasion, "they should bring back the stocks!" Or, as this non-violent person says, given a story such as the above, "throw 'em to the lions!... It pleases me"....

Christie Blatchford: On the night of his death, Jeffrey Baldwin was heard ‘weeping to himself’ as he ‘waited to die’

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