Monday, April 19, 2010


At the risk of becoming a Doctor Who blog I feel I must report that 1979's episode, starring then doc, Tom Baker, and side-kick Lalla Ward (as Romana 2), "Creature from the Pit" has been released to DVD. (The fact is I stumbled upon a link when I was on the National Post's 'entertainment' page.)

While I enjoy the original series very much, I have never bought a DVD due to their high cost. (I had bought a couple of episodes on VHS.) It must be said that there are always a load of quality 'extras' on the discs, not counting the lame commentaries by actors who obviously have not seen the episode in decades ("look at that hat I'm wearing; ha, ha, ha."), including the behind-the-scenes bits and making-of's which are really interesting and well done.

By the way, I've never seen this episode of Doctor Who. But I have seen the story which ran just before "Creature": "City of Death" is a justifiably praised episode, starring Julian Glover and Catherine Schell, and featuring a very brief cameo by John Cleese.

Wikipedia entry on "City of Death"...

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